Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring integration- java.lang.IllegalStateException: Dispatcher has no subscribers

The handler was not initialized.  : check out the one explaining SmartLifecycle.

What worked for me:
There were multiple spring integration chains with the same name among all related projects. Spring runtime confused I guess.

Renamed other ones.
Thats it.

Ubuntu Software centre not allowing install- says unauthenticated sources- GPG key problem- The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.

Go to System->Administration->UpdateManager->Settings->authentication:
remove all keys->restore default
Thats it.

Also check the solution on :
It says:

First Cup of Ubuntu

Join Date: Feb 2010
Beans: 3
Re: Updates and Package Installer Problem

Posting to help others:
I just received the same error message. I used apt-get on the command line to install what i needed, but I didnt want to have to revert to that all the time. I like browsing the software manager for games and stuff. So after installing 2 packages on the command line, I went searching for the issue.
My steps were:
System>Administration>Software Sources
I had "Proprietary Drivers" and "Software Restricted by copyright or legal issues" checked.
I unchecked the two of these. I then went to the Authentication tab. I clicked "restore defaults", although nothing changed.
I closed the window, and tried the Software manager again.
Worked like a charm. Don't know how the settings were changed in the first place, but whatever. Hope it helps somebody browsing, since at this moment, this is google's #1 result for the error message.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011