Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Try hd(0,0): NTFS5: No wubildr

Just wait for sometime on the screen saying "Try hd(0,0): NTFS5: No wubildr". Grub comes up later without doing anything.

I was getting windows boot loader earlier. Selected Ubuntu and I was stuck with above message.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Hibernate HQL view join: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper.getConstructor(

What worked for me:
"This is a minor issue since an easy workaround is available: you just have to use an alias to qualified the properties....
Query query3 = session.createQuery("select new Something(, sthg.event, sthg.dummyField) " +
"from Something sthg" );"