Thursday, May 30, 2013

Setup Local Radio using VLC

Following are steps to setup a radio-like streaming on a LAN:
Works for sure on Ubuntu 12.10

I] Start VLC from command  line as follows:
vlc -vvv --sout-keep --sout '#standard{access=http,mux=ts,dst={YOUR OWN_LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS}:8080}'

II] Enqueue songs and hit play. You should see the seek bar moving.

III] Create a file "myliveradio.m3u" and put the following contents into it:

#EXTINF:-1,Radio Local - AACPlus - 32kbps Stream

Send this file to listeners. Anyone who opens this file in VLC woul start listening to the songs playing in your VLC. Please note that you won't be able to listen to the songs being streamed from the VLC process/window that's streaming them.
You yourself should open the file in a new VLC window and you can listen.


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